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Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle By Keeping Your Clothes Around For Longer Periods of Time

Image for Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle By Keeping Your Clothes Around For Longer Periods of Time

Purchasing clothes once to twice a year is necessary to anyone’s well-being. Not only do you want to look nice in your new dibs, but you also need certain types of clothing to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. However, these purchases can eat up a big chunk of your bi-weekly and/or monthly budget. Yet, it doesn’t stop millions of Americans from frequenting their favorite brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers, though. If you need to hold off for another few months on your next big clothing purchase, however, here is how to keep your current wardrobe looking nice in the meantime.

Take special care when washing your clothing.

Don't crowd your clothing when loading your washer. A very full washer will not allow the clothing to rinse as well, leading to a buildup of detergent and fabric softener. This can eventually make your clothes look more worn. It’s also recommended that you use cold water when washing. You can also consider flipping your clothing inside out before running it through the wash.

Treat stains as soon as possible.

Once a stain happens, it can be tempting to toss the affected clothing to the side and wait until a seemingly opportune time to wash it out. But, it’s not recommended that you let stains sit for long periods of time before washing. This only makes it more likely that the stain will set in. If you are having a garment dry cleaned, be sure to let your cleaner know of any stains and what caused them. This gives the cleaner a better chance of removing the stain. 

Store your clothing with love.

Tired of looking at a jam-packed closet? Aside from presenting you with an organizational nightmare, stuffing your clothing into a dresser or closet can damage them over them. Next time you hang freshly laundered clothing, give them some breathing room in your closet. Use only plastic, wood, or padded hangers and leave enough room between clothes to prevent wrinkles. When storing in a dresser or drawer, fold everything neatly – don't just shove your clothing in without a second thought. Investing in a few drawer organizers is also a smart idea if you’d like to keep your dressers in order.

Oxford at the Ranch Apartments in Waller, Texas

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