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These Alternatives to Yoga Will Help You Flip the Switch on Your Exercise Routine in No Time

Image for These Alternatives to Yoga Will Help You Flip the Switch on Your Exercise Routine in No Time

Did you know that mind-body exercise routines are extremely popular forms of fitness these days? Whether you know it or not, they’ve also been around since ancient times. The most common is none other than yoga, however. As liberating as yoga seems, though, it is not for everyone. And, that’s okay! If yoga isn’t up your alley, here are three viable alternatives. 


Qigong is a holistic form or system of exercises that blend body movement and posture, meditation, and breathing. It is composed of movements that help stretch the body, build a kind of awareness about how the body moves, and also increase the movement of various fluids in the body such as lymph, blood, and synovial.


Pilates is often referred to as “yoga’s more athletic cousin.” The main focus and emphasis of Pilates are on enhancing the connection of the mind and body, reducing stress and tension, and linking the breath with a lot of bodily movement. It contains similar poses to yoga and varies in intensity and range. The best part is that it is not restricted to specific parts of the body.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a graceful form of exercise that embraces the body, spirit, and mind. Like Qigong, the roots of Tai Chi also lie in ancient Chinese culture, where it was initially developed for self-defense. Today, it involves a series of movements and techniques that are carried out in a very slow, systematic manner and coupled with deep, rhythmic breathing.

                                                                                                               Oxford at the Ranch Apartments in Waller, Texas

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