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Learn How to Make Laundry Day an Easier Pill to Swallow with Our Tips

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Tired of days on your weekend spent washing, drying, and folding clothes – and if you have a family, some of them not even your own? Well, we hear you loud and clear! For most, sane-minded people, laundry day arrives with little enthusiasm in the air. For this reason, some folks do not approach laundry day with a solid strategy, as much as hope for getting it out of the way ASAP. Reassess how you do laundry and follow these hot tips below for a more efficient, and hopefully, successful laundry day!

Separate clothes wisely.

While separating lights and darks is a given, there are several other ways to divide clothing to ensure cleaner results. Separate dirty or muddy items from clothing that is only lightly soiled and be sure to separate abrasive fabrics (denim) from delicate ones.

Don’t overload the machines.

You might be tempted to fill your washer to the brim but give your garments the freedom to spin around the drum, and evenly distribute detergent and fabric conditioner. The same applies to your dryer, which won’t be able to do its job if it’s too full.

Select the right water temperature.

Coldwater is favored by most since it’s more environmentally friendly and won’t damage, discolor, or shrink fabrics. Be sure to use cold water for everyday cleaning and the washing of fabrics like wool or silk. Hot water, however, is the best option when you’re trying to remove stains, stench, or germs.

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