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Feeling Unmotivated? The First Step In Moving Forward Is Uncovering the Reason!

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Each year, we set new personal goals for ourselves to achieve, and as the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, we are starry-eyed and hopeful to achieve them. Maybe, you want to drop a couple of pounds, or perhaps, you want to find a new job more worthy of your knowledge and experience. Despite the unbridled momentum on NYE, however, only 8 percent of people actually accomplish their resolution. Somewhere along the way, you’ll face an obstacle or challenge that leaves you feeling unmotivated.

This year, it could very well have been the novel coronavirus that disrupted your plans and threw your goals for a loop. But, don’t be too hard on yourself. Many of us are experiencing collective hardship in 2020. Instead, it may be best to get down to the bottom of the issue and sort out the reasons why you’re experiencing a lack of motivation. Whether it is due to the coronavirus or not, you’ll want to figure it out and move onto bigger & better things. So, here are 3 reasons you might be feeling particularly unmotivated right now.

You have a lack of confidence or independence.

In order to take meaningful steps forward, we need to have the confidence to do so. For this reason, it’s important to feel worthy in your endeavors and uphold a sense of independence within them. If you don’t believe you’re good enough to accomplish a goal, doubt will clog up your intentions and make you feel unable to achieve such feats. Also, if you’re highly dependent upon other people, like your parents or siblings, it will impact your ability to take control of your own life and reach for the stars.

You are overextending yourself or experiencing burnout.

We are all guilty of taking on too much at one point or another, but burnout is no joke. Burnout happens when you overload yourself with to-do lists, errands, and other tasks rooted in productivity. We all have multiple facets that encompass our daily lives – family, friends, careers, children, and hobbies, just to name a few. But, no one should be expected to carry the world on their shoulders. So, if you’re feeling overloaded, it’s best to take a step back, prioritize, and remember to relax every once in a while.

Your perspective on life is just too negative.

We tend to be our own worse critics. While it may not come as a surprise to some, it doesn’t make dealing with your harsh inner critic any easier. It’s a no-brainer— if you’re constantly questioning yourself, it will undoubtedly put you in a bad mood. Although negative perspectives can be hard to overcome completely, try being more analytical of your behavior, and work hard each day to rewire certain downcast thoughts into a “glass-half-full” perspective.

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